Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stories of Trusses and Gutters

Very short one today.

Just really wanted to update the photos as we have now recived Trusses for the roof line and guttering around the second story.. Oh yeah, and we have a second story! Yay! 
The windows are all in on the ground floor now too.
It is just flying up so fast! Our guys are really putting the hard yards! 10 days between the Slab invoice and the Frame invoice! Some one is looking forward to their holidays!
Off to a Christmas party tonight.. I imagine all these Christmas parties that I have coming up are going to hamper my lurking efforts at the house! But then again.. where there is a will there is a way! Stay tuned for more updates and pics..

Over and Out


Second story done, Trusses waiting to be put up.

Front door frame has been put in
Scaff has arrived and been put up 
Trusses are up, although it's difficult to see them
Windows added

Guttering added
Beloved admiring his sliding door on his Theatre room


  1. Wow!! I can't believe how fast the construction process is going! Woohoo!!! 20 more days...
