Thursday, August 4, 2011

Moving in, sorting out and changing around

Yes yes.. I know....Slacker!
Things have been busy and times have been changing since the house was finished, so apologies for the delay in getting this post out.

You may have noticed that I have changed the title of my blog. The reason for this is that this blog will not just detail the story of the house and building of it, but also the story of our lives within its walls. 

So to recap, I will start back at the end of May around move in time.

The 26th of May was settlement day. We got up at mums after our last night of sleeping there, had a little breakfast then head off to our 9am meeting at the Porter Davis Offices. It was the weirdest thing ever really. One minute we didn't have a house the next minute we did! It was literally go through and sign a couple of forms then we were given the keys and that was it! DONE! It only took about half an hour!
So we headed back to mums to get things packed into the trailer so we could spend our first night in our new home.

We go to the house and it had started pouring with rain so we had to get everything off the trailer as quick as possible so it wouldn't get saturated! Spent the rest of the day unpacking and getting things organised in the house as much as possible. It was freezing that first night as our heating wasn't working yet and we had no TV so it was an early night to bed for us that first night.
Derek on our first night in the house - we had to sit on camp chairs!

The next morning I had the heating people come and fix the heating which was great! Warmth!
Some family friends came over to have a look and measure up for a gate that we were wanting built and also to show where we wanted the bathroom accessories hung on the walls.
Mum and I did a couple of trips to the storage unit and got what boxes we could carry and load into the car then unpacked them back at the house.
On Saturday morning we got up early and headed down to the Thrifty rental place to collect our moving van for the day. First stop was mum and dads to collect everything we had left there. My brother met us there and gave us a hand to get everything onto the truck and trailer. Then we went to the house to unload that and the boys set off to the storage unit to clear that out. 
We spent all day organising the house! It was exhausting, but we had so many helpers and we are so thankful for them!

Since that weekend, we have just plodded along doing bits and pieces. We received all our furniture that we had ordered back at Christmas time, in June. So that was fun to unwrap and put together and set up! here are some pics. (Quality is not great as they are off my phone)

New lights over the bench

Family Room

Lounge Room

Lounge Room

Theatre Room
That is about it for now really! I will have another post for you soon though so stay tuned!


  1. Wow Amy! I was wondering what was happening with your move in? It looks fabulous! Your pendant lighting in the kitchen is awesome! can you divulge where you got them??


  2. Hi Mel,

    Thanks! I got the pendant lighting online on a website called They have loads of stuff. I also got bar stools and all our bathroom furniture from there too. Very reasonable and great customer service!
